The University of Basra organizes a discussion workshop on discussing an amendment to a new law for irregular governorates in a region No. 21 of 2008, amended

The College of Education / Qurna, in cooperation with the office of the Iraqi Parliament in Qurna, organized a discussion workshop on discussing the amendment or six new law for irregular governorates in the region No. 21 of 2008, amended.

The symposium, in which Professor Abbas Badr Al-Maliki lectured, aimed to present proposals to amend the law on governorates not organized into a region and discuss them.

The symposium included discussing the organizational and administrative matters of this law and addressing the legislative shortcomings required by the law of governorates not organized into a region by making an amendment to this law or enacting a new law to meet the needs of those working on this law.

Department of Media and Government Communication