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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Scientific Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation
Accreditation Department
Academic Program and Course Description Guide

The educational program is a well-planned set of courses that include procedures and experiences arranged in the form of an academic syllabus. Its main goal is to improve and build graduates' skills so they are ready for the job market. The program is reviewed and evaluated every year through internal or external audit procedures and programs like the External Examiner Program.
The academic program description is a short summary of the main features of the program and its courses. It shows what skills students are working to develop based on the program's goals. This description is very important because it is the main part of getting the program accredited, and it is written by the teaching staff together under the supervision of scientific committees in the scientific departments.
This guide, in its second version, includes a description of the academic program after updating the subjects and paragraphs of the previous guide in light of the updates and developments of the educational system in Iraq, which included the description of the academic program in its traditional form (annual, quarterly), as well as the adoption of the academic program description circulated according to the letter of the Department of Studies T 3/2906 on 3/5/2023 regarding the programs that adopt the Bologna Process as the basis for their work.
In this regard, we can only emphasize the importance of writing an academic programs and course description to ensure the proper functioning of the educational process.
Concepts and terminology:
Academic Program Description: The academic program description provides a brief summary of its vision, mission and objectives, including an accurate description of the targeted learning outcomes according to specific learning strategies.
Course Description: Provides a brief summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes expected of the students to achieve, proving whether they have made the most of the available learning opportunities. It is derived from the program description.
Program Vision: An ambitious picture for the future of the academic program to be sophisticated, inspiring, stimulating, realistic and applicable.
Program Mission: Briefly outlines the objectives and activities necessary to achieve them and defines the program's development paths and directions.
Program Objectives: They are statements that describe what the academic program intends to achieve within a specific period of time and are measurable and observable.
Curriculum Structure: All courses / subjects included in the academic program according to the approved learning system (quarterly, annual, Bologna Process) whether it is a requirement (ministry, university, college and scientific department) with the number of credit hours.
Learning Outcomes: A compatible set of knowledge, skills and values acquired by students after the successful completion of the academic program and must determine the learning outcomes of each course in a way that achieves the objectives of the program.
Teaching and learning strategies: They are the strategies used by the faculty members to develop students’ teaching and learning, and they are plans that are followed to reach the learning goals. They describe all classroom and extra-curricular activities to achieve the learning outcomes of the program.
The Department of Chemistry at College of Education/Qurna strives to consolidate the scientific excellence of its students and emphasize modern information and knowledge in the various fields of chemistry. In addition, the department aims to develop students' skills and experience in order to achieve future performance and best practices so the department can contribute to the academic study we aspires to. The department also aims to achieve excellence at the local and international levels in the fields of education, scientific research and community service.
The Department of Chemistry seeks, through its mission, to prepare students who are scientifically and practically proficient in the various fields of chemistry, focusing on teaching skills and meeting quality standards in preparing and qualifying distinguished graduates at the local and regional levels through the creation of academic programs and curricula and collaboration with Iraqi and international institutions. In addition, we strive to provide sound and advanced scientific research that serves the local, regional, and international communities.
Providing a distinguished level of curricula, programs and services related to the study of chemistry.• Preparing the student scientifically and educationally in the field of teaching chemistry and its applications.• Providing professional and educational personnel capable of teaching chemistry.• Providing services to society and the environment by providing consultations and scientific and applied expertise to institutions and companies and contributing to solving problems resulting from chemical pollution.• Scientific and technical communication with colleges of education in other universities to serve the exchange of scientific expertise and enrich knowledge related to chemistry.• Encouraging the department’s faculty members to produce innovative scientific research and participate in local and international scientific conferences and specialized and general seminars.• Working to create an environment and work relationships that enhance the spirit of belonging to the department, college, and society.• Consolidating and disseminating the foundations, concepts and practices of quality among all members of the department.• Making the most of the possibilities provided by modern technical means and information technology to develop cognitive and research capabilities in the field of chemistry and its teaching methods.
Field visits, practical part, and scientific consultations
Program Structure |
Number of Courses |
Credit hours |
Percentage |
Reviews* |
Institution Requirements |
Basic course |
College Requirements |
Yes |
Department Requirements |
Yes |
Summer Training |
No |
Other |
* This can include notes whether the course is basic or optional.
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Credit Hours |
First year/ 2023-2024 |
Organic Chemistry |
theoretical |
practical |
Knowledge |
Learning Outcomes 1 |
1. Know and understand the foundations of organic chemistry 2. Explain the basic processes of organic chemistry. 3. Identify the importance of the most important organic materials and study them |
Skills |
Learning Outcomes 2 |
1. Follow correct scientific methodologies in order to transfer knowledge 2. The ability to work collectively as part of a work team in different fields |
Learning Outcomes 3 |
Ethics |
Learning Outcomes 4 |
Developing students’ abilities to understand organic chemistry |
Learning Outcomes 5 |
1. Theoretical lectures 2. Quizzes 3. Conduct scientific discussions 3. Conduct various research during the semester 4. Trying to deal with the scientific material in a way that makes the student very focused through questions and the exchange of knowledge between students |
1. paper and oral tests 2. Semester exam 3. Final semester exam 4. Writing reports or scientific research on specific topics 5. Asking questions during lectures and assigning marks to the student |
Faculty Members |
Academic Rank |
Specialization |
Special Requirements/Skills (if applicable) |
Number of the teaching staff |
General |
Special |
Staff |
Lecturer |
Assistance professor |
Chemistry |
Organic polymer chemistry/ Industrial chemistry |
Staff |
Professional Development |
Mentoring new faculty members |
1- Follow the program carefully 2- Asking for many assignments that require external information |
Professional development of faculty members |
1. Practical discussions and continue to follow the latest scientific research 2. Good knowledge of the practical importance of how to conduct practical experiments |
Central admission standard from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research |
Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd |
Exploring for modern sources from reliable websites, as well as diversity in methods of delivering lectures and using all modern ways which are used in teaching. |
Program Skills Outline |
Required program Learning outcomes |
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Basic or optional |
Knowledge |
Skills |
Ethics |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
First year/ 2023-2024 |
Organic Chemistry |
Basic |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
- Please tick the boxes corresponding to the individual program learning outcomes under evaluation.
Course Description Form
Name: Asst. Prof. Amjed Taher Battor Email: amjed.battor@uobasrah.edu.iq
1. Developing a complete concept for the student about the organic subject for the first stage 2. Providing and preparing sound scientific cadres that simulate the reality of organic materials 3. Disseminating knowledge through cooperation with corresponding departments and holding seminars and conferences. |
Strategy |
Week |
Hours |
Required Learning Outcomes |
Unit or subject name |
Learning method |
Evaluation method |
17.5 marks for the monthly and daily exams for the theoretical aspect and 7.5 marks for the practical part of the first semester. The monthly and daily exams score 17.5 for the theoretical aspect and 7.5 for the practical. 15 marks for the practical final and 35 marks for the theoretical final for the final exams |
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any) |
Organic Chemistry (Part One)
Main references (sources) |
Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd |
Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports...) |
Electronic References, Websites |
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Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Scientific Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation
Accreditation Department
Academic Program and Course Description Guide

The educational program is a well-planned set of courses that include procedures and experiences arranged in the form of an academic syllabus. Its main goal is to improve and build graduates' skills so they are ready for the job market. The program is reviewed and evaluated every year through internal or external audit procedures and programs like the External Examiner Program.
The academic program description is a short summary of the main features of the program and its courses. It shows what skills students are working to develop based on the program's goals. This description is very important because it is the main part of getting the program accredited, and it is written by the teaching staff together under the supervision of scientific committees in the scientific departments.
This guide, in its second version, includes a description of the academic program after updating the subjects and paragraphs of the previous guide in light of the updates and developments of the educational system in Iraq, which included the description of the academic program in its traditional form (annual, quarterly), as well as the adoption of the academic program description circulated according to the letter of the Department of Studies T 3/2906 on 3/5/2023 regarding the programs that adopt the Bologna Process as the basis for their work.
In this regard, we can only emphasize the importance of writing an academic programs and course description to ensure the proper functioning of the educational process.
Concepts and terminology:
Academic Program Description: The academic program description provides a brief summary of its vision, mission and objectives, including an accurate description of the targeted learning outcomes according to specific learning strategies.
Course Description: Provides a brief summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes expected of the students to achieve, proving whether they have made the most of the available learning opportunities. It is derived from the program description.
Program Vision: An ambitious picture for the future of the academic program to be sophisticated, inspiring, stimulating, realistic and applicable.
Program Mission: Briefly outlines the objectives and activities necessary to achieve them and defines the program's development paths and directions.
Program Objectives: They are statements that describe what the academic program intends to achieve within a specific period of time and are measurable and observable.
Curriculum Structure: All courses / subjects included in the academic program according to the approved learning system (quarterly, annual, Bologna Process) whether it is a requirement (ministry, university, college and scientific department) with the number of credit hours.
Learning Outcomes: A compatible set of knowledge, skills and values acquired by students after the successful completion of the academic program and must determine the learning outcomes of each course in a way that achieves the objectives of the program.
Teaching and learning strategies: They are the strategies used by the faculty members to develop students’ teaching and learning, and they are plans that are followed to reach the learning goals. They describe all classroom and extra-curricular activities to achieve the learning outcomes of the program.
Academic Program Description Form
University Name: Basrah
Faculty/Institute: College of Education/ Qurna
Scientific Department: Chemistry
Academic or Professional Program Name: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Final Certificate NameChemistry
Academic System: Annual
Description Preparation Date:
File Completion Date:
The file is checked by:
Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance
Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department:
Approval of the Dean
The Department of Chemistry at College of Education/Qurna strives to consolidate the scientific excellence of its students and emphasize modern information and knowledge in the various fields of chemistry. In addition, the department aims to develop students' skills and experience in order to achieve future performance and best practices so the department can contribute to the academic study we aspires to. The department also aims to achieve excellence at the local and international levels in the fields of education, scientific research and community service.
The Department of Chemistry seeks, through its mission, to prepare students who are scientifically and practically proficient in the various fields of chemistry, focusing on teaching skills and meeting quality standards in preparing and qualifying distinguished graduates at the local and regional levels through the creation of academic programs and curricula and collaboration with Iraqi and international institutions. In addition, we strive to provide sound and advanced scientific research that serves the local, regional, and international communities.
Providing a distinguished level of curricula, programs and services related to the study of chemistry.• Preparing the student scientifically and educationally in the field of teaching chemistry and its applications.• Providing professional and educational personnel capable of teaching chemistry.• Providing services to society and the environment by providing consultations and scientific and applied expertise to institutions and companies and contributing to solving problems resulting from chemical pollution.• Scientific and technical communication with colleges of education in other universities to serve the exchange of scientific expertise and enrich knowledge related to chemistry.• Encouraging the department’s faculty members to produce innovative scientific research and participate in local and international scientific conferences and specialized and general seminars.• Working to create an environment and work relationships that enhance the spirit of belonging to the department, college, and society.• Consolidating and disseminating the foundations, concepts and practices of quality among all members of the department.• Making the most of the possibilities provided by modern technical means and information technology to develop cognitive and research capabilities in the field of chemistry and its teaching methods.
Field visits, practical part, and scientific consultations
Program Structure |
Number of Courses |
Credit hours |
Percentage |
Reviews* |
Institution Requirements |
Basic course |
College Requirements |
Yes |
Department Requirements |
Yes |
Summer Training |
No |
Other |
* This can include notes whether the course is basic or optional.
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Credit Hours |
First year/ 2023-2024 |
Analytical Chemistry |
theoretical |
practical |
Knowledge |
Learning Outcomes 1 |
1. Know and understand the foundations of organic chemistry 2. Explain the basic processes of organic chemistry. 3. Identify the importance of the most important organic materials and study them |
Skills |
Learning Outcomes 2 |
1. Follow correct scientific methodologies in order to transfer knowledge 2. The ability to work collectively as part of a work team in different fields |
Learning Outcomes 3 |
Ethics |
Learning Outcomes 4 |
Developing students’ abilities to understand organic chemistry |
Learning Outcomes 5 |
1. Theoretical lectures 2. Quizzes 3. Conduct scientific discussions 3. Conduct various research during the semester 4. Trying to deal with the scientific material in a way that makes the student very focused through questions and the exchange of knowledge between students |
1. paper and oral tests 2. Semester exam 3. Final semester exam 4. Writing reports or scientific research on specific topics 5. Asking questions during lectures and assigning marks to the student |
Faculty Members |
Academic Rank |
Specialization |
Special Requirements/Skills (if applicable) |
Number of the teaching staff |
General |
Special |
Staff |
Lecturer |
Assistance professor |
Chemistry |
Analytical Chemistry |
Staff |
Professional Development |
Mentoring new faculty members |
1- Follow the program carefully 2- Asking for many assignments that require external information |
Professional development of faculty members |
1. Practical discussions and continue to follow the latest scientific research 2. Good knowledge of the practical importance of how to conduct practical experiments |
Central admission standard from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research |
2) Quantitative analytical chemistry (Flascka, Barnar and Sturrock) |
Exploring for modern sources from reliable websites, as well as diversity in methods of delivering lectures and using all modern ways which are used in teaching. |
Program Skills Outline |
Required program Learning outcomes |
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Basic or optional |
Knowledge |
Skills |
Ethics |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
First year/ 2023-2024 |
Analytical Chemistry |
Basic |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
- Please tick the boxes corresponding to the individual program learning outcomes under evaluation.
Course Description Form
Attendance only |
90 hours a year. (3 hours a week)
Name: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Jerri Meften Email: mushtaq.meften@uobasrah.edu.iq
1. Developing a complete concept for the student about the analytical subject for the first stage 2. Providing and preparing sound scientific cadres that simulate the reality of organic materials 3. Disseminating knowledge through cooperation with corresponding departments and holding seminars and conferences. |
Strategy |
Week |
Hours |
Required Learning Outcomes |
Unit or subject name |
Learning method |
Evaluation method |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Holiday 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours Holiday 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours |
Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Safety and hazard compounds The scope of analytical chemistry Importance of analytical Quantities analysis Qualities analysis Qualities analysis Qualities analysis Calculate the concentrations of solutions Calculate the concentrations of solutions Calculate the concentrations of solutions
Calculate the concentrations of solutions Dilution of concentrated solutions Acid and base concepts Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium Chemical equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium Ionic equilibrium
Theatrical |
Weekly, monthly, daily, written exams, and end-of-year exams. |
30 marks for theoretical exams, and 5 for daily exams for both semesters. 15 marks for the practical part for both semesters. 15 marks for the practical part, and 35 marks for the theoretical exams final. |
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any) |
Main references (sources) |
2) Quantitative analytical chemistry (Flascka, Barnar and Sturrock) |
Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports...) |
Electronic References, Websites |
![]() |
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Scientific Supervision and Scientific Evaluation Apparatus
Directorate of Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation
Accreditation Department
Academic Program and Course Description Guide

The educational program is a well-planned set of courses that include procedures and experiences arranged in the form of an academic syllabus. Its main goal is to improve and build graduates' skills so they are ready for the job market. The program is reviewed and evaluated every year through internal or external audit procedures and programs like the External Examiner Program.
The academic program description is a short summary of the main features of the program and its courses. It shows what skills students are working to develop based on the program's goals. This description is very important because it is the main part of getting the program accredited, and it is written by the teaching staff together under the supervision of scientific committees in the scientific departments.
This guide, in its second version, includes a description of the academic program after updating the subjects and paragraphs of the previous guide in light of the updates and developments of the educational system in Iraq, which included the description of the academic program in its traditional form (annual, quarterly), as well as the adoption of the academic program description circulated according to the letter of the Department of Studies T 3/2906 on 3/5/2023 regarding the programs that adopt the Bologna Process as the basis for their work.
In this regard, we can only emphasize the importance of writing an academic programs and course description to ensure the proper functioning of the educational process.
Concepts and terminology:
Academic Program Description: The academic program description provides a brief summary of its vision, mission and objectives, including an accurate description of the targeted learning outcomes according to specific learning strategies.
Course Description: Provides a brief summary of the most important characteristics of the course and the learning outcomes expected of the students to achieve, proving whether they have made the most of the available learning opportunities. It is derived from the program description.
Program Vision: An ambitious picture for the future of the academic program to be sophisticated, inspiring, stimulating, realistic and applicable.
Program Mission: Briefly outlines the objectives and activities necessary to achieve them and defines the program's development paths and directions.
Program Objectives: They are statements that describe what the academic program intends to achieve within a specific period of time and are measurable and observable.
Curriculum Structure: All courses / subjects included in the academic program according to the approved learning system (quarterly, annual, Bologna Process) whether it is a requirement (ministry, university, college and scientific department) with the number of credit hours.
Learning Outcomes: A compatible set of knowledge, skills and values acquired by students after the successful completion of the academic program and must determine the learning outcomes of each course in a way that achieves the objectives of the program.
Teaching and learning strategies: They are the strategies used by the faculty members to develop students’ teaching and learning, and they are plans that are followed to reach the learning goals. They describe all classroom and extra-curricular activities to achieve the learning outcomes of the program.
Academic Program Description Form
University Name: ......... Basra.......
Faculty/Institute: ....... Education Gourna...........
Scientific Department: ..Chemistry.............
Academic or Professional Program Name: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry Final Certificate Name:.....Chemistry.........................
Academic System: …… Annual ……
Description Preparation Date:5-10-2024
File Completion Date: 14-2-2024
The file is checked by:
Department of Quality Assurance and University Performance
Director of the Quality Assurance and University Performance Department:
Approval of the Dean
The Department of Chemistry at College of Education/Qurna strives to consolidate the scientific excellence of its students and emphasize modern information and knowledge in the various fields of chemistry. In addition, the department aims to develop students' skills and experience in order to achieve future performance and best practices so the department can contribute to the academic study we aspires to. The department also aims to achieve excellence at the local and international levels in the fields of education, scientific research and community service... |
The Department of Chemistry seeks, through its mission, to prepare students who are scientifically and practically proficient in the various fields of chemistry, focusing on teaching skills and meeting quality standards in preparing and qualifying distinguished graduates at the local and regional levels through the creation of academic programs and curricula and collaboration with Iraqi and international institutions. In addition, we strive to provide sound and advanced scientific research that serves the local, regional, and international communities |
1- Preparing highly educated, qualified and distinguished cadres to supply the governorate’s schools and cover their needs for teaching cadres. 2. Turn to e-learning and blended learning. 3. Contributing to refining the student’s personality and preparing him in a distinguished and appropriate manner by providing a teaching environment based on simulating traditional teaching by following modern educational methods and means. 4. Contributing to spreading scientific culture through cooperation with local institutions and various ministries and holding seminars, lectures and courses (in person and electronic). 5. The department aims to embody the motto of the College of Education, Gourna, spread scientific culture, and consolidate virtuous morals, and the students of the department will be in the near future, God willing, representing the appropriate place among their brothers who came before them. 6. Providing services to society and the environment by providing consultations and scientific and applied expertise to institutions and companies and contributing to solving problems resulting from chemical pollution. 7. Scientific and technical communication with colleges of education in other universities to serve the exchange of scientific expertise and enrich knowledge related to chemistry. 8. Encouraging the department’s faculty members to produce innovative scientific research and participate in local and international scientific conferences and specialized and general seminars. |
Field visits, practical part, scientific consultations |
Program Structure |
Number of Courses |
Credit hours |
Percentage |
Reviews* |
Institution Requirements |
90 |
Basic course |
College Requirements |
Yes |
Department Requirements |
Yes |
Summer Training |
NO |
Other |
* This can include notes whether the course is basic or optional.
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Credit Hours |
2023-2024-third |
Biochemistry |
theoretical |
Practical |
Knowledge 2 |
1. Knowing and understanding the foundations of biochemistry 2. Explain the basic processes of matter. 3. Identify the importance of the most important life molecules and study them |
Skills |
1. Follow correct scientific methodologies in order to transfer knowledge 2- The ability to work collectively as part of a work team in different fields |
Ethics |
Developing students’ abilities to understand biochemistry |
1. Theoretical lectures 2. Surprise exams after each lecture 3. Conduct scientific discussions 3. Conduct various research during the semester 4. Trying to deal with the scientific material in a way that makes the student highly focused through questions and knowledge exchange between students. |
1. paper and oral tests 2. Semester exam 3. Final semester exam 4. Writing reports or scientific research on specific topics 5. Asking questions during lectures and assigning marks to the student |
Faculty Members |
Academic Rank |
Specialization |
Special Requirements/Skills (if applicable) |
Number of the teaching staff |
General |
Special |
Staff |
Lecturer |
assistant teacher |
Chemistry |
Biochemistry |
staff |
Professional Development |
Mentoring new faculty members |
1- Follow the program carefully 2- Asking for many assignments that require external information
Professional development of faculty members |
1. Increase practical discussions and continue to follow the latest scientific research 2. Good knowledge of the practical importance of how to conduct practical experiments |
Central admission standard from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research |
[1] Introduction to Biochemistry Dr. Khawla Ahmed Falih] 2- Basics of Biochemistry, Prof. Dr. Sami Al-Muzaffar |
Searching for modern sources from reliable websites, as well as diversity in lecture delivery methods and using all modern methods used in teaching.
Program Skills Outline |
Required program Learning outcomes |
Year/Level |
Course Code |
Course Name |
Basic or optional |
Knowledge |
Skills |
Ethics |
A1 |
A2 |
A3 |
A4 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
C1 |
C2 |
C3 |
C4 |
2023-2024 |
biochemistry |
Basic |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
√ |
- Please tick the boxes corresponding to the individual program learning outcomes under evaluation.
Course Description Form
Biochemistry |
Year |
14-2-2024 |
presence only |
90 hours annually. 3 hours per week |
Name: haneen Khalid Thwaini Email: haneen.khaled@uobasrah.edu.iq
Course Objectives 1. Developing a complete concept for the student about the life subject and its inputs 2. Providing and preparing solid scientific cadres that simulate the reality of life molecules 3. Disseminating knowledge through cooperation with corresponding departments and holding seminars and conferences
Strategy |
1. Education strategy collaborative concept planning. 2. Brainstorming education strategy. 3. Education strategy notes series
Week |
Hours |
Required Learning Outcomes |
Unit or subject name |
Learning method |
Evaluation method |
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
Vacation 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24
25 26 27
28 29 30 |
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
2 2 2
Monosaccharides Countable sugars Polysaccharides
Lipidis Lipidis Lipidis
Amio acid
Chemical definition of carbohydrates Functions of carbohydrates T Classification of sugars Monosaccharides Isomers of monosaccharides Visual effectiveness Cyclic structure of monosaccharides Chemical reactions of monosaccharides
Monosaccharide derivatives Disaccharides + trisaccharides Homogeneous + heterogeneous polysaccharides
Lipids + biochemical functions of Lipidis + Types of Lipidis Phospholipids Protein fats + waxes + steroids Cholesterol + bile salts
Know the amino acids + their types Optical activity of amino acids Important interactions of amino acids Peptides +physiologically active peptides Hydrolysis of peptides Biochemical importance of peptides
Proteins + biochemical functions Classification of proteins Precipitation of proteins Structural system of proteins Nucleotide + nucleoside DNA RNA
Enzymes + characteristics of enzymes Enzyme activity theory Enzyme kinetics + enzyme inhibition
Vitamins + enzyme conjugates Water-soluble vitamins Fat-soluble vitamins
Hormones + their functions Mechanism of action of hormones Classification of hormones
Distributing the score out of 100 according to the tasks assigned to the student such as daily preparation, daily oral, monthly, or written exams, reports .... etc |
Required textbooks (curricular books, if any) |
Biochemistry |
Main references (sources) |
Introduction to biochemistry |
Recommended books and references (scientific journals, reports...) |
Electronic References, Websites |
https://learnchemistry12.com |