The study included the physiological and anatomical parameters of okra plant Abelmosochus esculentusL under the influence of the hormone bresnolide, soil improving polymers and different irrigation periods.

The experiment was conducted in one of the private fields north of Basra, Al-Shafi district

 And by using a plastic house and mixed soil and using the drip irrigation system

 It aims to know the nutritional importance of the okra plant, the increasing demand for it, increase productivity, and improve the qualitative and anatomical characteristics, and to know the effect of the hormone bresnolide and the good polymer of the soil type of hydrogel and under different irrigation periods, and the role of the hormone and the polymer in improving the qualitative, quantitative and anatomical characteristics of the okra plant, and to know their role in resisting tensile factors or water stress and increasing the moisture level to the soil and reduce the water requirement of the plant

 And knowing the interactions between the hormone and the polymer and the different irrigation periods